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Projet Bamako was established in 2021

to support vulnerable children in Bamako.

To date, we managed to support 20 children

and their families to cover the costs of the

schools fees, uniforms, books, schools lunches,

and transport.



When I arrived in Bamako in September 2021, I found myself in a new reality, rather different from the one I was used to and tremendously difficult to understand.


I felt helpless, suspended between the desire to help everyone and the realization that it was not possible to do so.


As time went by and thanks to the ispiration of some special people, I realized that I had to focus on the people around me.


For someone like me, who had the opportunity to study, learn, travel and make informed choices about her own future, the reality of Bamako is very difficult to understand. 


I decided to give back some of the luck I received in my life, starting with the education of children who can’t afford to attend schools that can guarantee them a better future.


The idea is to give them access to the best possible available education, with the hope that they will have the right tools to build a different future for themselves and for this beautiful and complicated country.


I firmly believe that quality education should be the solid foundation on which every child should be able to build his or her life.


In Mali, such opportunities can really make the difference for their future and that's why I deeply believe in this project.


Each additional child who will have the opportunity to study, learn, read, write, think and believe in themselves and their abilities will be a magnificent success.


we accomplished

In 2022/23, thanks to the great support received,

we managed to enroll 15 children in school.

For each of them and for their families it was a great support and a wonderful opportunity.


Over the past year I followed the children's progresses, talking to teachers and school principals.


We also contributed to pay for school lunches, uniforms and cover part of the transport costs for the neediest children.

As schools are often far away, the 1,000 CFA per day (1,50 euro) per child for the sotrama (public bus) trip can be an unbearable cost for most of the families.


For the 2023/24 school year, we managed to enroll 5 more children in school.


Even small gestures like these can have life changing impacts on the lives of people in need.


I would like this project to be just the beginning of a series of initiatives to support vulnerable children and teens of Bamako to have enriching experiences that will help them find their way in life.


Together we can make it happen!

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